Payments > Insurance Payments



For Medicare part B, my system's payor number is different than a new program that we are looking to purchase.   My private insurance payor numbers are the same, but not Medicare.  Is there a reason or am I missing something?  It has been years since I have had to set up this information.

My understanding is that while Payer ID's are universal, CPID's change based on what clearinghouse you have. Are you sure it is the Payer ID that is different than before, or is it the CPID?

It is the payor #

Some insurance carriers have universal payer numbers, but often they will change from clearinghouse to clearinghouse.  If you are changing clearinghouses you will need to redo the EDI paperwork because you will need Medicare to know where the claims are coming from and where to send the ERAs.  Even if the payer ID is the same, the submitter number of the clearinghouse will be different.  Go to the website of the new clearinghouse.  They should have the EDI paperwork there, or at least a link to it, and instructions on completing it.


You can find the Payer ID using this tool.

Just select your payer from the drop down list and you can see your ID.


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