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Medical billing question


Hi space,
My name is Andrew. I'm 26 years old and I'm a practitioner. I was parsing for someone's personal experience concerning medical billing. This week I got my claim to be denied by the insurance company. I want to know it to exclude my claims denial.

Hi Andrew,

Your question doesn't really make sense.  I'm not sure if it's just a language thing.  What type of practitioner?  Was it your personal claim or one that you submitted for a patient?  Do you submit more than one claim and are others going through but just one denied?  When you say you want to exclude your claim denial do you mean avoid?  Fix?  There is really no way to answer your post based on the information you have given.  If you want to clarify the question and provide more information we would be happy to try to help.



--- Quote from: AndrewD1 on September 18, 2017, 11:05:16 AM ---Hi space,
My name is Andrew. I'm 26 years old and I'm a practitioner. I was parsing for someone's personal experience concerning medical billing. This week I got my claim to be denied by the insurance company. I want to know it to exclude my claims denial.

--- End quote ---

This is a prevalent case for an insurance company. This actually depends on the tools you use. Personally I, at first had denials or underpayments as well. Check everything once again: modifiers, units, names, etc.

I don't even know a physician having zero claim denials. I guess everyone faced some issues, a typo, code error, or something caused a denial.

It totally depends on the type of the claim, amount to be claimed, span of the insurance plan and many other things. Try to verify your claim and then send it again.


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