Medical Billing Forum

NPI Numbers => NPI Numbers => : Lucy100 September 26, 2012, 06:05:08 PM

: NPI, medicare provider #
: Lucy100 September 26, 2012, 06:05:08 PM
Hi there!  I have a few questions.  I am new to this and am sort of an apprentice right now, but I'm doing general administration and trying to learn about how billing works.

1)  I hope I explain this right.  I work for a supplier (not a physician).  Sometimes when we submit a bill to say for example a BCBS, they ask us for our Medicare provider #.  I told them we have an NPI number but they insist on the medicare provider #.  i thought NPI #s replaced all Medicare #s, and regardless, why does BCBS need to know our Medicare # anyway? 

2)  Does the practice have an NPI number and then all of the employees also have an NPI number?  Does everyone also have a Medicare provider number?  How do you know when you use the practice # and when to use the individual's #s? 

Thanks so much...
: Re: NPI, medicare provider #
: PMRNC September 26, 2012, 09:58:00 PM
You sure they don't mean facility ID?
: Re: NPI, medicare provider #
: Michele September 27, 2012, 12:23:07 PM
If they are a Medicare supplier then they have a supplier (Medicare) number.  NPI's did not replace the Medicare numbers, they just replaced the need for them on the claims.  If the BC policy is a Medicare replacement plan or something else similar they may require that the supplier is a Medicare supplier.  As for NPI numbers, their are rendering NPI's and billing NPI's.  They ahve to be used in the appropriate spots when billing.

Hope that helps!