Starting a Medical Billing Business > Starting Your Own Medical Billing Business

What company is your business email through?


So many options. Looking for a HIPAA complaint option and mainly your suggestions. Thank you!

This is too vague of a question. General inquiries? PHI involved?   If PHI is being exchanged you want to make sure that you have HIPAA compliant solution.


If you're going to serve up email with a mail provider, your best bet is to do it like the big kids do it.

Namely, look at Google and Amazon.

Yeah you can set up your mail with Azure as well, but we've had trouble with their interface in the past and walked away from Microsoft's platform.

Google G-Suite is reasonable to configure (translation, you'll only lose about as many days from your life as eating McDonalds for a month straight), and Amazon Web Services (AWS).

We use both.

Here are the links to their HIPAA compliance processes (G-Suite, AWS)

If you're new to infrastructure setup, you'll do better with G-Suite because the configuration is more intuitive.

1. If you already have a URL served up by a DNS host (like GoDaddy for example) then make sure you can get into your zone file, that's where the magic happens.
2. In G-Suite, set up your new domain first - important.
3. Verify your domain with G-Suite. (domain verification is easiest if your DNS host is GoDaddy, but doable with dozens of others...NOTE: DreamHost is hit or miss, so....)
4. Setup your new user on G-Suite
5. Make certain your MX records are setup correctly on your DNS host (this should be done automatically by G-Suite but it pays to check)
6. Enjoy your new business email hosted by G-Suite...

That's it...



--- Quote from: Powerade_993 on January 05, 2018, 01:17:39 AM ---So many options. Looking for a HIPAA complaint option and mainly your suggestions. Thank you!

--- End quote ---

If you're really concerned about this, I'd suggest speaking with an attorney who works in the healthcare field. You may have to pay a fee, but this will eliminate any guesswork. Helpful Hint: Write your question down in a concise and accurate manner and be prepared to take notes when you get an answer (a hand held record works even better!) This keeps the meeting short....lawyers charge by the hour! :)


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