NPI Numbers > NPI Numbers



Hi, need some help.  I work for a small clinic.  The physician's Tax ID and NPI are used for his the clinic and the local hospital that he is hospitalist for.  He is opening a new group of docs as a hospitalist group at a new facility.  But they are all already working there.  We would like the hospitalist group billing to all go under a seperate NPI.  How do we go about this, and will it cause an interruption in the billing process for our physician?  We would also like to credential the clinic doctors as a seperate group, seperate billing. 
Thanks Tiffany

Alice Scott:
Hi Tiffany,

You just need to set it up as a new group with a separate tax id number.  You can apply for a group NPI # under the new group tax id number.  Even though they are the same group of docs, you need to treat it as a totally separate entity.



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