Medical Billing Software > Medical Billing Software Questions
Direct claims submission Eclipse Software
Hi! I was hoping someone might be able to answer this one. We are running Eclipse and will be bringing the billing in-house from a billing company but are hoping to avoid going through a clearinghouse for the claim submission. At my last practice we used Medisoft w/ Send Claim, however the claims were run through Ecare/Nebo/Thin which was divided up into two different entities. Does anyone have any experience with billing claims direcly with Eclipse?
Going direct is a pain in the rear end for just trying to save a couple dollars. You need to have separate modules for the carriers, If you have large volume, it's much more efficient to have them go through a clearinghouse, also you get the edits which is an added bonus. With the separate modules you will be doing a lot of double entry. A clearinghouse really could save you a lot of time and headaches. There are some good ones out there and some are even free, you just have to research them, find out if your software is compatible, etc.
Just my 3 cents :)
Linda Walker
Thin is actually a clearinghouse so if you were sending claims thru thin (even using Sendclaim) you were using a clearing house.
We've actually used Sendclaim as well.
I am not familiar with Eclipse but you may want to contact Availity (THIN). They are a clearinghouse, but they have a lot of free submissions, and see if they are compatible with Eclipse.
Good luck
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