Please -any help with fighting this Aetna /Data isight is needed. Called a lawyer versed in these matters-she said its possible Aetna would retaliate against my practice. This must be fought by an association or legally thru govt channels. I don't understand why the New york Chiropractic Association or Counsel has not brought action yet.....If anyone has any any info please advise
From my experience, you can negotiate reimbursement for OON PT claims with DataIsight. For example: Aetna/Cigna. Billed amount $1,350/$1100 for I/E and $880 for F/U- they automatically pay around $130/$150 per visit. When you call DataIsight you can open a case for negotiation and request 40% off of the billed amount. We in NYC usually get around $500-$380 per visit. Not sure what the OON reimbursement is in other states. Hope this info helps.