Author Topic: Comparison of Billing with NueMD and Kareo  (Read 1130 times)


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Comparison of Billing with NueMD and Kareo
« on: April 19, 2019, 01:35:19 AM »
I am looking for feedback from anyone who has used NueMD or Kareo for medical billing


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Re: Comparison of Billing with NueMD and Kareo
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2019, 08:31:40 AM »
I have used NueMD since 2012, and Kareo since 2014. Kareo is a more robust billing software, with better report options, and will put denied charges into a denial bucket, and has more features in general than NueMD(like procedure macros). It does have a steeper learning curve, but I trained myself on it quickly, none of it was rocket science.

NueMD is extremely easy to learn, but it is limited in many ways function-wise. Biggest issue I have with them is they do not have a denial bucket, and will instead simply write off charges that are denied. This means you have to go through each ERA looking for denied charges, which is time-consuming, particularly if you are dealing with a practice like I am that has numerous issues with demographic entry.

They both integrate with certain EMR's, such as Practice Fusion, but NueMD has a lot of bugs when it comes to the integration process.

NueMD is cheaper than Kareo, but you get what you pay for. The one thing that I do not like about Kareo is that dx entry on claims is annoying, but other than that, it is a better software all around versus NueMD.


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Re: Comparison of Billing with NueMD and Kareo
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2019, 02:13:42 PM »
NueMD is cheaper than Kareo, but you get what you pay for. The one thing that I do not like about Kareo is that dx entry on claims is annoying, but other than that, it is a better software all around versus NueMD.

I don't agree with this statement at all. "dx entry on claims is annoying" is awfully simpltistic. I really can't figure out what that means.
Linda Walker
Practice Managers Resource & Networking Community
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Re: Comparison of Billing with NueMD and Kareo
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2019, 04:39:12 PM »
Allow me to elucidate to clear up any confusion for you:

The method by which Kareo has you enter dx's is not as easy as with other softwares I use, NueMD included. Kareo carries the dx's forward to the next service line, forcing you to go back and delete the ones you do not need, and they do not allow you to backspace over them, you have to hit the delete key. I find this counter-intuitive and frankly, time-consuming to a certain degree that I do not like wasting time on, but I have to. I would rather they have an area where you enter all the diagnoses you need for a claim, and then simply type in the dx pointer number, or even better, have a box you check off next to the dx you need. Those two methods are the way in which all other softwares I use/have used over the years allow you to assign a dx, and it saves considerable time/chance of error in my personal opinion over the way Kareo has their system set up in this regard.

Seeing as how you seem to be a fan of Kareo, from what I have seen on this forum, and on other forums, I am surprised you didn't know what I meant when I said it was annoying, even if you yourself have no issue with it. Every biller I personally know (which is 7 of us) that uses Kareo finds it to be the one thing about the software that needs improvement. Otherwise, it is great software. I used to find other aspects of it tedious, but as the years went on, I got used to those things. The dx thing, not so much.

Oh, something else just occurred to me that I don't care for about Kareo. Every time I have had to call them for something in the last five years, which granted, it not a lot, I have clearly dealt with someone who is overseas and reading off of a script, which means I have to then tell them to get off the script, and just answer my question in as few words as possible, because I really don't have all day to listen to the pre-scripted blather. When I have had to call NueMD, which is much more, because they don't have a great product, I always am speaking with someone in the US, and the calls go much faster.

I hope my response has answered your query to your satisfaction, and you now can figure out what I meant in my original response to the thread.

Medical Billing Forum

Re: Comparison of Billing with NueMD and Kareo
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2019, 04:39:12 PM »