Medical Billing Software > Medical Billing Software Questions

Billing Software for Specializes Practices


Hello Everyone
My question is what would be a good billing software to use for specialize practices.  I am just starting my medical billing business and I am working with two business owners, one is a massage therapist and the other is a mental health provider who will be opening up their business as well. Could anyone recommend a billing software that will or could work for these types of businesses with a clearinghouse ?  I found a good PM software that specialize in these type of businesses.  Thank you

I'm not sure I know what you are looking for.  You say you want a billing software, but you say you found a good PM software.  Isn't the PM software the billing software? 

There are many good softwares out there, and they vary greatly in price.  Some are cloud based, others are server based.  We use Lytec and have for 25 years.  We like it and it allows us to bill for many different specialties. 

It really depends on the practice and how deeply you need to support them. There are plenty of software apps that support but one or only a few practices. There's a vast difference between genetic testing lab needs and behavioral health.

There are many ready-made medical billing software options on the market that appear to meet your needs at an affordable price, but only a few of them provide you with customization requirements. I personally recommend Primed Billing LLC, which offers customized software tailored to your company's needs, ensuring the cash flow stability and transparency that your practice requires.


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