Medical Billing Software > Medical Billing Software Questions
Anyone familiar with Eclipse??
I'm really struggling going from Medisoft to Eclipse. I'm trying to complete box 24 J and 24 I on the CMS-1500 and cannot for the life of me figure out how to get anything to print there. Because I knew the ins and outs of Medisoft, I was able to alter the claim for and script in my own info, however Eclipse does not have this capablity and the doc I'm working for like the program, so no chance of switching.
Does anyone have any helpful hints on how to complete this field? Customer service never seems to answer and half the time I can't even leave a message. I spoke with a consultant the doc uses and she said I 'just have to play with it'. Can someone help me out with this one, please? ???
--- Quote from: thatcuteblonde on April 23, 2009, 02:49:57 PM ---. I spoke with a consultant the doc uses and she said I 'just have to play with it'. Can someone help me out with this one, please? ???
--- End quote ---
Sorry, I have never used them, but thats awful that you can't get a direct answer from the consultant or customer service!
Yeah, I really don't like the program! After workin on Medisoft and being able to access everything I needed, it's very difficult working on a program that lacks the basic capabilities and worst of all the docs pay $800 a year in 'tech support' and we can't even benefit from it!
That's not really tech support though, training maybe. Ask the doctor if you can take a quick software training class. I've only used Eclipse for report gathering and I have to say I didn't like it much either.
Linda Walker
I've only had limited experience in it myself. Box 24J is a pretty big field for the customer service reps not to be able to help you with. As Linda suggested, a quick software class would be helpful. If he doesn't want to go for that and he is paying for tech support, I would demand that they figure out why 24J and 24I are not being populated. (In my system, just having the NPI number in the NPI spot on the provider screen automatically populates 24J!)
Good luck
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