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Medicare DME accreditation

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The answer to the waivers is in the first paragraph of this link:

To add some additional thoughts...

It isn't a matter of how long it takes to get approved by DMEPOS, generally with a paper application as opposed to doing it through PECOS is a difference of a few weeks. What IS a matter that a SSN is required, and you don't have one. There is no way to complete the application if you don't have an SSN. Well, you can complete it, but it will be rejected once they get it, unfortunately.

The waiver for the fees also doesn't matter, as eventually, the fee will have to be paid. Another consideration is the mandatory on-site inspection. These inspections have temporarily been suspended due to COVID-19, but will eventually resume.

Basically, the situation is this...DME fraud is rampant, and Medicare/NSC has put a lot of requirements into place in the last few years to prevent this fraud from occurring. So unless you are prepared to meet every requirement starting with the application,then the on-site inspection, and a few other things, don't even bother trying to become a provider. Not trying to be a Negative Nellie here, but I have done numerous DME initial applications and the subsequent follow through requirements and the re-credentialing process, and I don't see how you can even get started without an SSN.

Just my two pennies.

Just wanted to share an experience that a NY provider had enrolling in DME during COVID.  We submitted the app just prior to the shutdown with an anticipated opening date of 5/1/2020.  Since they are near the city, and not considered essential, that didn't happen.  For one reason, they weren't able to get their signage, or shipments in of the supplies needed, exam tables, furniture, etc.  The inspector showed up (even though we didn't expect it due to COVID) and failed them.  He was super rude stating "You have to be ready!  Open!  With staff and patients!"  He had no compassion for the fact that they were unable to open due to the circumstances.

Seriously????  Turn on the news! 

Where SSN Is Used?

SSN is used to obtain NPI.


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