Starting a Medical Billing Business > Starting Your Own Medical Billing Business

Medical Billing is no longer trendy -


- and that's good!

From about 1995 to 2010 Medical Billing was one of the hottest trends for those wanting to work from home, but gradually many would be freelance medical billers came face to face with real world 101 i.e. building a customer base is a grind. If you're starting scratch, with little experience, and no resume, it's especially hard. Income for the first few years is usually small and/or inconsistent. For those of who can get over that hill (and it can feel like Mt. Everest or K2 sometimes!) the rewards are a nice income, a feeling of accomplishment, knowing you don't have to "dance on the strings, held by all those bigshots" (as Don Corleone once said) not having to fight rush hour traffic to and from the office 5 days a week, and a lifestyle and daily schedule closer to what we want.

The point of all this is being less trendy means there are fewer people entering this field, and acquiring and keeping good provider clients will get a little easier for established billers in the years to come. Let us give thanks we're not "trendy" anymore!  :)


Actually I think it started a little bit before 1995.  We responded to an ad in 1994.   ;D  The ad we responded to was total crap but we were determined to make this business work.  But I agree with williamportor, a lot of people thought medical billing was a get rich quick scheme and got in for the wrong reasons.  This business is grueling work and is not for the faint at heart.  You have to be committed to what you are doing.  So hopefully you are right, williamportor, and there will be less services that are in it for the wrong reasons.   :)


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