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Inappropriate posts

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I only have privileges to remove posts.  On other forums I manage I delete the user but it proves to be fruitless because their software goes and creates names in bulk. I do find it helpful to set the flood level higher so their software will time out if they try and post one after the other at once.  Those are admin features I don't have access here to do.

People don't realize how hard these forum owners work.. my hats off to Michelle and Alice.. WE APPRECIATE YOU!

We try to remove the offenders but as Linda said it seems futile.  And honestly sometimes the post is soooooo offensive that I click delete before I look at the poster.  Anyway we appreciate Linda helping us to monitor the content.  We were considering switching to a moderated forum where every post would have to be approved.  We hate to do that.  It takes away the community feeling and the immediate responses which in some cases are important.  So for now this seems to be working.

Thanks again for your help Linda and all of you who help to build this forum into a great place to share.


It's MY PLEASURE TO Remove them $&$&*(#$&@$^  :) 

Also .. sometimes you will see someone post .. "Hello, I like your forum" or "Hi, I'm a new member"   They are the ones not quite ready for the big time spammer software so they go in and start posting small posts so they can move up in status and spam. clever little creatures..


--- Quote from: PMRNC on July 17, 2009, 09:58:04 PM ---It's MY PLEASURE TO Remove them $&$&*(#$&@$^  :) 

Also .. sometimes you will see someone post .. "Hello, I like your forum" or "Hi, I'm a new member"   They are the ones not quite ready for the big time spammer software so they go in and start posting small posts so they can move up in status and spam. clever little creatures..

--- End quote ---

Da*& Buggers!!

Alice Scott:
Thank you Linda.  We appreciate your help in deleting the inappropriate ones.  It's almost a full time job.


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