Payments > Insurance Payments
What would the approximate aging for payment on a Workers Comp claim
Alice Scott:
Hi Alice and Michelle,
It’s me again! What would the approximate aging for payment on a Workers Comp claim providing it was a clean bill when it left our office?
I feel that 120 days Plus is a little too long…
Thank you,
Deborah D
Hi Debi,
We file a lot of workers comp claims and find a huge difference in the length of time it takes between different companies. We have a few workers comp carriers that pay within 30 day – very few. Some consistently are 90 days. 120 is too long. I would definitely be calling before 120 days. When I run my aging reports, I check to see how long the previous payments took and judge whether or not to call by how long it took last time.
Be sure to check out our new forum at
I’m finally getting all our questions organized.
Great – Thank you so much Alice.
I love your website! And will most definitely check out the forum.
Thank you again
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