NPI Numbers > NPI Numbers

Change of medical practice


Dear Medical Billers:
I am an MD currently employed by a hospital owned medical group. In a few weeks I will leave my employee practice and move to a new office where I will start a new medical practice. This practice is a professional corporation I have started and registered with the state. After registering this corporation I  applied to the IRS and received an EIN for the corporation. I then used this EIN for my new corporation to open a bank account. I will use this bank account to receive electronic fund transfer payments from Medicare and Blue Cross. My patients from my hospital owned practice (95% Medicare) will see me at my new practice where I will bill Medicare and be paid by ETF to my corporate bank account. Because of my change in status I am enrolling my new corporation in Medicare using PECOS. When I begin the online enrollment the screen asks me for an NPI number. Do I need to apply for a new NPI number for this corporation when I  enroll? Do I use my individual NPI which has been assigned to me? I would like to have my Medicare enrollment live and active when I move to my new practice so that I may minimize the time period during which I am working and not being paid. Thanks Reinfryt MD

You need a Type II NPI for the PC that you have formed.  You cannot use your individual NPI.  You can obtain an NPI free by completing the online application at

If you cannot complete this on your own (which if you are doing your own Medicare apps you won't have a problem) we complete NPI apps for $29.95.

Good luck



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