Medical Billing Software > Medical Billing Software Questions
Lytec Claims Batch
I just started working on a client's software, which is Lytec, remotely to handle her billing. They upload their claims to Gateway EDI. They are transitioning between providers and so we are waiting on Medicare approval before we can continue sending claims through as the Q6 time has run out. However, when I went to "Print Insurance Claims" under the "Billing" Tab, I noticed in the generated claims report, that there were several Medicare claims.
Is there a way I can reprint that batch to take out those claims I don't want going through? I'm thinking about just uploading the batch to Gateway and letting those several get rejected and then refiling them. Any suggestions?
~ Charity
You'll need to change the status from submitted to new and then overwrite the batch and it will only submit those marked as new or not submitted.
How do I change the status of a claim? I didn't see a place to do that.
I have not seen lytec in a while, but it's definitely there, it would have to be.. all softwares that export batches need to have that in order to index claims for submission (by status)
You might want to check the software manual or call technical support.
Got it - I figured out how to resend a batch and then also rebill an individual claim.
I read in of your previous posts about sending over a form to the provider's office to request additional info so you have it for record's sake. Do you a template you could send me?
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