NPI Numbers > NPI Numbers

Can a billing company that represents clinics, hospitals & doctors get a NPI?

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Can a billing company that represents clinics, hospitals & doctors get a NPI? f so can they that NPI to file for their claims for those clients?

No, each provider has to obtain their own NPI.

Steve Verno CMBS, CEMCS:
Excellent advice.

A billing company is not a provider and doesnt need a "National Provider Identification Number. 

You are an agent, simply performing a task for the provider, being a go-between, between the physician and the insurance company/patient rgarding claims issues.  Simply put, you are a special employee hired to perfom billing functions. As that agent, You speak on behalf of the provider when questions are asked and claim information is requested.   The tasks you perform are based on your contract with the provider, your training, current industry standards and guidelines and your compliance plan.

Where I live and work, Billing company or Billing agents must register and enroll with Medicare and Medicaid as a billing agent.  A billing agent number will be assigned by Medicare but it never goes on any claim form. 

That's something I didn't know Steve.

On Medicare enrollments is where the billing agent is to be assigned. It's one of the first things I have my providers do when I sign a new client.


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