NPI Numbers > NPI Numbers

NPI and Medicare

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Hi, I bill for one doctor. I use Medisoft as my billing software.   My claims for Medicare started to get rejected in Feb of 2008 because Medicare said the claims were tied to his SSN, too.  We have applied and received a group NPI number now.  However, Medicare keeps rejecting the claims becuase it sees us under our individual NPI and not as a group.  Does anyone know how to make the changes to my Medisoft program so I can submit my claims under my group NPI to Medicare? We haven't been paid for almost a year.   :'(


It's going to depend on how you batch and submit your claims to Medicare.  If you do it thru Medisoft then there should be a place in the provider file to input the group NPI.  If you use a separate program to batch and submit then that program must either have the NPI in it, or be pulling it from Medisoft.  But there should be a place in Medisoft for the individual NPI and the group NPI. 

If you have an electronic vendor then you should contact them and ask them where you need to change it. 

You just need to find where your electronic system is pulling the NPI from and make sure you have the group loaded.

Good Luck!  :)



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