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Inactive file


The office I work for has inactive files they want to re-activate. We use Medisoft, can we re-activate a patient file?
Also the patient that are inactive are on the mailing label list and can not take them out, how can we do so?
CL :)

have you contacted tech support?? I have never used medisoft, but they should be able to assist you, if nobody in the forum has ever had that issue. The system I did use, when we made a client inactive (checking the box) all we had to do was (uncheck the box), but that wasn't medisoft....

I'm not familiar with how Medisoft does it either, but Lytec (very similar) has the same as Charlene.  We check a box to make them inactive, and then uncheck it to re-activate them.


Where I used to work they used SOS and it was the same, check a box to make inactive or uncheck to re-activate the patient.  Very strange if it doesn't have a feature similar to this, but I have never used that software so don't know.


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