Billing > Facility Billing

Medi-Cal & Medicare Drug Screening


I have a doctor in San Diego, CA who was told that she can bill multiple drug screens (opiates, cocaine, meth... etc) on one test tube and get reimbursed by Med-Cal or Medicare $19.24 per screening.  Has anyone heard of this?

Also, from what I have read and understand of previous questions/answers, drug screens would be billed on a CMS 1500, right?  AND, if a patient is admitted into a detox/rehab center then I would bill for the facility on a UB04.  What if they are an outpatient?  What form would I use?

One last thing... what is qualitative versus single testing?

QUESTIONS, questions... sorry so many.

Thanks in advance!

  I have not personally billed it out but I also am aware that you are able to bill out a unit for each screen at the $19.24 per unit.  And yes, the drug screens would be billed on the cms form.  They are the professional charges. 

If the patient is admitted and you are billing the facility fees then they would be billed on the UB04.  If they are outpatient but you are still billing the facility portion, you would still be using the UB04. 

I'm not sure what qualitative versus single testing is but the definition of qualitative testing is:

 Qualitative Test Result:  A test result expressed in non-numerical terms in order to determine the presence or absence of drug or drug metabolite in the sample.

I hope that helps!


Thanks Michelle!  I appreciate your feedback.


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