Payments > Insurance Payments

Medicare/Medicaid crossovers payment questions


Was just wondering if anyone is located in MO?   WPS implemented their new J5/MAC conversion and we received our 1st Medicaid R/A.. I have a ton of questions about what the heck happened and if others had a huge reduction in pay from Medicaid??  Thanks in advance

Try this link:

Thank you for the link!  I read most all that applies but still am wondering how come there was such a reduction in payment from state medicaid.  I received a new medicare r/a today and it seems to be back to the previous payment amounts.  So, I am wondering if the one prior was just in error since the conversion and if it is an error do I need to refund state medicaid and then resubmit and hope it pays correctly this time around???  Not sure what to do from here???  Thanks

I would call them and find out, it's possible that it crossed during the transition.


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