Billing > Billing

Urgent House Calls



Just got a call from a doctor here in CA specializing in urgent house calls.  Their services include splinting, anti-tetanus shots, take/ran urine/blood tests, pulse ox, etc. and wants to know of these services/supplies are covered by private insurance, WC, as well as Medicare and Medicaid (MediCal) and what codes to use.  Do you know of a good reference material for these? 


The billing would be the same as if he was seeing the patients in the office, just the place of service would be 12 to indicate home.

I'm not aware of any resources to help specifically with urgent house call billing.

Good luck

Thank you Michelle.  I find this forum very helpful.  I accidentally came across your web site while I was researching about starting a medical billing business last year and went ahead and added you in my favorites.



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