Starting a Medical Billing Business > Starting Your Own Medical Billing Business

Termination Agreement

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I am completing a termination agreement for one of my clients, and am trying to figure out a fair price to charge if after we are no longer billing for the c;ient, their office needs a report or info researched on a patient, what would be appropriate to charge. Per hour? per report? if by hour, what's reasonable? $25 If by report, what's reasonable $15

Any suggestions?

 ~ Charity

Once I terminate, I terminate......

If they require reports within the standard reports I provide I don't charge, if they want a custom report I charge for that depending on what they want. If they want information or research from a particular claim I billed or worked I don't charge extra because it was a part of my services. I do charge for copies if they need them.
The terms of termination are in my general contract.

OK - thanks ladies!


--- Quote from: PMRNC on September 15, 2009, 09:04:41 AM ---If they require reports within the standard reports I provide I don't charge, if they want a custom report I charge for that depending on what they want. If they want information or research from a particular claim I billed or worked I don't charge extra because it was a part of my services. I do charge for copies if they need them.
The terms of termination are in my general contract.

--- End quote ---

You are wayyy to kind :-) I'm a meanie!! 


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