Coding > Coding
MinnesotaCare Tax
We are now doing electronic billing and the code T9999 we used to charge MinnesotaCare tax is being rejected. What is the right code? Or should we be including the 2% tax right in the procedure charge. For example: A $30 procedure charge would be $30.60. Thanks
Steve Verno CMBS, CEMCS:
Billing for the Minnesota Care Tax must be done in one of two ways. 1. The Care Tax is billed using a separate line item using Procedure Code T9999. Or 2. The Care Tax is factored into the various billed service lines. If no separate service line with procedure code T9999 is present, it will be assumed that the Care Tax has been factored into the billed charges.
The MinnesotaCare tax rate remains at 2 percent for 2008 and 2009.
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