Starting a Medical Billing Business > Starting Your Own Medical Billing Business

Follow Up

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Can anyone tell me how they keep track of claims submitted for follow up. I'm very new to billing and I'm having a hard time keeping track of the claims so that I can follow up on them. Do I have to make a list of them or what.

You should have an AR

Most practice management software have reporting abilities that allow to see what is outstanding. I would check with your software vendor to see what report is most helpful for you.

does anyone use Office Ally's PM? i have a question about the AR. billing statements only appear on the statement list if i hit "complete" or if i check "yes" for print reports. so if i do, aging reports will give me those outstanding balances and not paid claims is that correct? when i generate the billing statements then, i get everything, not just what patients owe but also what is outstanding on AR for insurance carriers. not sure if i am making any sense - my question is: when should i click "complete" or "yes" on print statements on each visit? when it is paid by ins and there is a balance for a pt or when it was billed? ALSO, aging reports go by DOS not date when the claim was submitted.. so if i am resubmitting claims, those balances will still be on my AR even if i just sent the claim out today.. i am confused by too many claims to watch for thats all..  ::)

i use it.... what type of report are you trying to create? You can get a report of all claims submitted if you like. They have varying ways of creating different reports. They also have the manual online if you need that.


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