Starting a Medical Billing Business > Starting Your Own Medical Billing Business

Starting up

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I leave it up to the client. I have worked on various softwares. If they want to continue with their software I will work on their system. Actually that has been the best marketing angle for me because it decreases the urgency the clients feel thinking they MUST switch and many of them have paid big bucks for their software and don't want to lose the investment behind it. In some cases there is a transitional period to which I work on their system to a point and then we convert, I leave it completely up to the client on what they want to do.

Linda, how do you do this?  Do you have them upload a file like Charlene does?

No.. uploading and downloading has too much room for error. I use remote software, service or Windows Remote, again I let the client even choose which method they like. For remote services I use because of all the ones I looked at they would be fully HIPAA compliant since the remote access can control the login of the host computer allowing me to create my own Windows login on the host computer.
I can even reboot it if I need to, print, etc. I wouldn't do this unless you are familiar with their software because you should never charge the client to learn their software, If I do come across one I am not familiar with I will either work my way through it on my own (no additional costs) or I will attend a training session if available (again at my expense). Like I mentioned, it's just been a great marketing angle since doctors don't want to have to convert everything and on top of that there's no lost revenue, no delay for transition.. nice and simple :)


--- Quote from: QueenAlicia on January 26, 2010, 05:15:04 PM ---Linda, how do you do this?  Do you have them upload a file like Charlene does?

--- End quote ---

Queen, I don't use that process, it is one that is just available. Currently I use my own software system, and long in remotely to another. I have another provider who does all NC Medicaid and NC healthchoice claims so I bill via the medicaid website for them. I have one who I bill via their system since they are web-based, I have my own log-in

Oh ok, the process of having the provders fax,scan,email etc was one I have heard of and considered doing.  I am just trying to get a feel as to what will work but I see it may be different per provider.


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