Medical Billing Software > Medical Billing Software Questions

Procedural coding prioitizing


Fran Carter:
Hello All,

Can someone help me with a question about the correct order/prioritizing of procedural coding? When a code with a lesser value is performed, and they do 2 units of service, would this code be coded first? Or should I code the procedure that has the highest number of RVU's to begin with, in a scenario where the second code would usually only have 1 unit of service?

Thanks for your help,

I'm not a coder, I'm a biller but I always thought that the order of the codes did not go by value, but by which code was the primary procedure.  Any coders out there that can clear this up?


With procedure codes, you list them in order from the highest charge code 1st, then the lesser charges after that in order.

Sherry, CPC

Fran Carter:
Yes, that's what I had always thought (been taught) and have been doing, but was unsure as to how that worked when 2 units were performed with the lower value vs. the 1 with the higher value----that's why I was asking around to see if someone could help me with this---I do appreciate any and all thoughts/help in coding these encounters correctly as I am seeing this more frequently than I had in the past.  FC


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