Billing > Billing

Medicare Forms


I am billing for a provider that has an existing Medicare contract; he has recently Incorporated his business name and applied for a new NPI # However, Medicare does not recognize it yet. What form do I fill out so Medicare will pay under his new Incorporated name and NPI?

If he was billing under just his name & ss#, then you need to do an 855b to establish a group under the new business name, tax ID, and group NPI.  You also need to do an 855r to reassign his individual benefits to his group, and and 588 EFT for the electronic funds transfer.

If you need help, we actually have a service of completing Medicare applications for providers.


He was originally billing under his name NPI and Tax ID; Then he Incorporated changed his name and applied for a new NPI..Does this still warrant the 855B? Thank You

If his legal business name changed then he must have changed his tax ID, correct?  In that case, yes, he needs to do the 855B.  When you incorporate you need to get a new tax ID.  Then he would also have an individual NPI for himself plus a type II, organizational NPI for his corporation.


Thank you very much for the help, This website is a life saver. Thank you for offering a place where people can get answers to their questions so promptly and correct. :)


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