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radiology billing


Hello, I have a group of rads that have opened thier own center.  They own the buliding and equiptment, it is non regulated space.  They perform breast biopsies, mammos etc.  I bill globally for all of their procedures and radiology services on a 1500 clm form.  The questions is: they have a few radiologists(not in the group) that will come in and use the center, the equiptment etc to perform biopsies on thier own patients.  We are billing all of the radiology procedures and 99070 for supplies.  Can will bill anything for them using our center/equiptment?  The radiologists seem to think we can bill the other rads a "facility" fee.  Can we bill as a facility for outside physicians using a ub04? and bill our global services on a 1500?  What makes you elegible to bill on a ub04? Do only hospitals bill on the ub?  Since we own the building and equiptment should we be credentialed as a "facility" and be billing on the ub04?

If you are set up with the insurance carriers as a facility you can bill on the UB04.  Otherwise if the other radiologists are billing for the professional component, you could bill on the CMS 1500 for the technical component of the procedure. 



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