Billing > Billing

chiro office visits


Trisha Reyes:
Hi Michele and Alice,

Can a chiroprctor bill for an office visit for each DOS? I noticed the Dr. I bill for is only billing an office visit for the first initial visit. If he is only allowed to bill the first initial visit, at what point can he bill for a re-eval for additional visits?

Thank you,
Trisha :)

I wouldn't think that they should bill for an office visit for EVERY visit.  At least the DC's that I bill for.  Most visits consist of a manipulation and modalities, but not an E&M office visit.  Of course the first visit since they are gathering information, patient history, family history, etc.  They are also allowed to bill for reevaluations.  WC & NF allow reevals approx 6-8 weeks after initial eval, or last reeval.  Insurance carriers rules vary on whether they allow reevals so you need to check with each carrier.



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