Starting a Medical Billing Business > Starting Your Own Medical Billing Business


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Can you tell me where to find the most practical STEP BY STEP list of where/how/what to begin doing once you sign your first client?
What do you do first?  Second?  ....and so on????  Does the medicalbillinglive course give you/prepare you with this information?  Help!

Never took the course. Have you done medical billing before?

There are general things in any business that you have to prepare for. In regards to what comes first.. that's really hard since every client will be different..we perceive it to all be the same steps, but it never works out that way.. trust me.  ???  I've seen MOST courses out there and the one I think is the best for medical billers starting their own business is they don't just teach you the medical billing, you learn the in's and out's of setting up your business, marketing, and MORE. I have several of our members who have gone through it and gone on to be quite successful.

Signing your first client is exciting and scary all at the same time.  Doing the best job on that first account is key in getting more accounts.

I'm not familiar with so I can't comment on that.  As for our two day training sessions we ask you to complete a questionaire prior to coming so that we can tailor the training to exactly what you need.  We have references you can speak to who have completed the course if you would like to contact them personally.

Good luck in whatever you decide.



--- Quote ---Can you tell me where to find the most practical STEP BY STEP list of where/how/what to begin doing once you sign your first client?
What do you do first?  Second?  ....and so on?
--- End quote ---

I think most of us who own our own medical billing businesses would agree there is not one cookie-cutter answer.......Prior to meeting Pay_My_Claims, a/k/a Charlene Hargrove, I never in a million years would have considered Flat Fee Billing for my clients......and my experience includes running my home-based business for 7 years in the late 90's and this year starting my new medical billing business, my opinion, take as much knowledge as you can from the experienced ones, hear them out; you may take a little from one and a little from another......and eventually, you will come into your own....what is best for you.


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