Author Topic: NEED NOT APPLY: only looking for experience biller  (Read 3850 times)


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NEED NOT APPLY: only looking for experience biller
« on: July 23, 2010, 12:02:42 AM »
How are you suppose to find a job if they are all looking for experienced billers ? I am a newbe just finished school and I can't get anyone to look at my resume??? What should I do ??????

Alice Scott

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Re: NEED NOT APPLY: only looking for experience biller
« Reply #1 on: July 23, 2010, 08:56:28 AM »
There are lots of ways to market with no experience - in fact I made a note to myself earlier this week to write an article on this exact topic.  We find that people who come to our  two day training
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are particularly interested in this subject.  We had a hard time with it ourselves back 16 years ago when we started our business.  

First of all, not everyone you market to will be asking about your experience as one of the first questions.  You want to try to establish some sort of rapport  with the provider before you get to that question.  Don't be nervous it will show.  When we first started our business and providers asked us how many people we were billing for or how long we had been doing this we were always truthful but quick to add that because we didn't have a lot of clients yet we were going to make sure that we did a great job on the accounts that we did have as we were going to need them for referrals after we proved ourselves to them.  We would tell them that we had the necessary knowledge to do a great job, this business was extremely important to us, their account would be getting our full attention and we planned on collecting every possible penny we could for them.  We would go over our preparation for this business, where we studied, what our experience with the field is - all in a positive way - not as an excuse.  We would add that Michele's experience of 7 years working as a claims processor at a major insurance carrier gave her much experience at how the insurance companies processed claims which was very beneficial in our business.  

Another thing that we noticed back then was that new providers were more willing to work with us as they were in the same place.  They didn't have many patients yet and knew what it was like to get your business started.  Several of our first clients were new doctors.

Don't let excuses hold you back.  Get out there and market.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 08:00:27 AM by Alice Scott »
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Re: NEED NOT APPLY: only looking for experience biller
« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2010, 02:26:15 PM »
How are you suppose to find a job if they are all looking for experienced billers ? I am a newbe just finished school and I can't get anyone to look at my resume??? What should I do ??????

that applies to all jobs. I started out doing front desk, HUC, and other positions before I got into billing. There is no easy way around it. you will just have to keep knocking on doors. Front desk work is a very good entry level position for many billers, and I do encourage it. Many billers get so hyped into the billing part of the job, they don't learn the insurance end and its so vital.


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Re: NEED NOT APPLY: only looking for experience biller
« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2010, 11:54:50 PM »
I am not positive but it looked to me he/she posted about looking for a "job", but like Charlene said.. you might have to take an entry level position. This is a tough economy and healthcare providers are very uncertain of the future so it is going to be tough with many of them making cuts. I would suggest going to a hospital and perhaps starting out in records and then working your way up. Also many times a person thinks their resume should always be about that particular position, but many times there are other jobs which would speak volumes for certain jobs..anything that shows you are a team player, reliable, etc.. Don't underestimate a resume just because you don't have any "billing" experience.
Linda Walker
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Re: NEED NOT APPLY: only looking for experience biller
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2010, 11:19:43 AM »
When we hire we don't go by just experience.  For us the interview is key.  We have an extensive hour long interview.  You can tell a lot just by how a person walks into the room.  Did they walk in quickly, bouncy, upbeat with a smile, or did they mosey on in.  That tells alot about how they will work.  Also, if we ask them about their experience and they say "I don't have any."  Interview not going so well.  But if they say "I don't have any in medical billing, but I'm a quick learner, and I love new things, and I researched this before I came in.  Looks like something I would pick up quickly."  They've still got a good chance.

In your case I might say "I don't have any work experience but I just completed my class.  I'm very excited about getting a job in the medical billing field because I know I will do a good job.  I am better than someone with experience because I'm not already set in my ways about how to do things, and I will start off doing things right."

I'm sure you get the idea.

Good luck
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Re: NEED NOT APPLY: only looking for experience biller
« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2010, 11:19:43 AM »


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Re: NEED NOT APPLY: only looking for experience biller
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2010, 03:11:23 PM »
Thanks Michelle for putting it into those words!  I wrote my two cents worth and then deleted it because it felt schmaltzy. 

The DESIRE to work is HUGE.  In our town we're lucky to find a warm body to show up for work, much less actually work.  Motivation and excitement about the pending job is always a plus.

And the biggest point is "I'm not already set in my ways about how to do things".  I know several very experienced billers who dig their heels in when things change, or won't admit that they might not be aware of the changes that invariably happen in this industry. 

The insurance companies attend our billing seminars to see where they can change their policies to reduce the amount they pay the doctors.  (The latest being reducing allowed units of therapies ARGH!)

Good luck to this young person (don't know if M or F)!  Be excited (not sullen) about your future and go for it!!!!!

Medical Billing Forum

Re: NEED NOT APPLY: only looking for experience biller
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2010, 03:11:23 PM »