Billing > Facility Billing

How to get state license for Facility


Since a few of the insurance companies will not pay for free standing facility claims unless it is state licensed, we are trying to find out how to start the process.  We have called and emailed to various departments at the New York State Public Health Department, but no one returns calls, etc.  Please let me know if you have information. Thank you!   Nancy O.

What type of facility are you trying to license?


Its an Ambulatory Surgical Facility (not associated with a hospital).  A side note, we are accredited as a Class A facility with AAAASF. Thanks for your help.  Nancy O.

I'm not sure what to do about no one returning calls.  I would suggest contacting your local BCBS and asking them if they can tell you what you need to do.  They may be able to help you.  I'm not sure what else to try.  It's very frustrating when you have to deal with a state agency that won't respond.

Good luck


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