NPI Numbers > NPI Numbers

Adding another office ...


Hi there,

I have a client that is adding another location. For this current time, the same doctor will be traveling between the two offices until another provider is added to the new location. As far as NPI numbers go, the old location has a Group NPI and then the doctor has an individual NPI. Will the new location need a different group NPI? Does the claim need to reflect the place where the services were renedered? Also, my client has asked me to notify all the insurance companies (Medicare & Commercial) about the new location. How do you handle that? Is it necessary?

Thanks so much!

~ Charity

Yes, all insurance carriers must be notified of the new location.  If the new location is going to use the same EIN/Tax ID and legal business name, then you would use the same type II Group NPI for both as well.


Thanks Michele -

Do you call each one individually or fax them a notice? Is there an efficient way to do this task?

You really need to call each one, at least the major ones, to see how they require the information.  Not really any efficient way.  I also do a 'generic' letter to mail to smaller carriers.



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