Author Topic: Feedback on New Contract E-Book  (Read 19522 times)

Alice Scott

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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2010, 11:04:11 AM »
As I didn't purchase the contracts book, I can't state one way or the other how it was. I wish you much success on it though. Currently it isn't a book that I'm interested in buying i am assuming it is more geared towards newbies. If not I'm ok with my contract writing abilities. Also as most know the PMBA does operate as an affiliate for your books so I'm sure its as good as the others posted up there. I did offer up my comments to Michelle's post, so I am assuming again, there is something in the book regarding collecting a % off of copays. I give you credit for asking for feedback on the book, because it is a hard thing to give as well as receive. Michelle allowed me a while back to see some of the reviews on her book (she is helping me with the ones that I am writting), and OMG they remarks were on opposite ends of the spectrum. There was one lady that showered her with praise and only used her book to teach, while another one was very critical. The issue isn't how well the book is written, but the use of the book for the purposes that THEY need it for. I can read your book, any of them and give it poor reviews simply because they may not be a benefit to me at my level of billing, but someone else in the forum could love it because it was good for them. When I finish my books, I know the hardest part for me will be the critiques of it, but in order to put out quality work and give my best I have to do it. The people that care the most will probably be your worst critiques.

You are entirely right about this subject.  Both Michele and I tend to be rather sensitive and no matter what you do in life some people will criticize you.  I always take the criticism rather hard at first although I must admit we really haven’t had that much.  But we then use that criticism to see what we can do to improve the product.  We have had two instances that I can think of where readers came back to us and felt we should have covered something they were particularly looking for in purchasing a book from us.  We took those suggestions and revised our books adding sections on those topics.  Then we sent newly revised copies of that book to everyone who had purchased the book in the past six months.  I have found that the two times we did get complaints, the same day or soon after we  got a very nice email or letter from someone else thanking us for all that we do to help billers so that usually eases the pain.

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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2010, 11:22:32 AM »
I think that unless you have been in this situation and realize how much work is involved in tracking patient payments both in the office and by sending out statements you don’t understand the concept.

I do understand the concept, because I do track patient payments both in the office and from sending out patient statements.  I do post the co-payments received at the same time I am posting the charge for the day.  I do post patient payments when they are mailed in from my statements........

I still don't believe in charging for co-payments collected up front....I think it's wrong....that's all, it's how I opinion....that's all...nothing more, nothing less....
Michelle Rimmer, CHI, CPMB
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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2010, 04:34:36 PM »
Ok, yes monies collected in the office.. so let me ask again... ARE YOU NOT POSTING and TRACKING and REPORTING on these?  If not... who is?   If you are and not charging the provider, that's fine, it's your time and time = money. 

For example, If Mrs. Smith is a perfect patient and comes in every visit and pays her $10 copay, you never have to send her a statement, who's tracking her payments?  Are their reports showing her payments?

Some may say that maybe the provider is tracking all self-pay's or payments in the office..that actually is a BAD idea because any financial expert, accountant or tax adviser will tell you its NEVER a good idea to have two sets of books. That means SOMEONE is posting, tracking and reporting.. NO?

I might agree with you on the work that you do in order to get money that you send out in statements for the provider. I PERSONALLY don't do % based billing because of that. When you think about it, I post an EOB (client gets hers in mail at same time). The EOB applies everything to the deductible. The client sends in the payment. I do statements once a month. Client has ALREADY paid the provider because she got her EOB. She gets my statement since provider has not notified me of the payment yet. He tells me patient paid a week I get a % of that money???  Regardless of how I do my client billing, I INCLUDE everything in the flat fee. This is why a cost analysis is done of a practice before you quote a % or a flat fee. You have to include your time, efforts, and supplies into the cost. I PERSONALLY feel trying to get money from something that was done in an office is "nickle & diming" someone

Based on what you said above.. I have to ask So who's posting these payments?? Are they not a part of your practice management" Is your agreement with the provider that they will be the ones to track these patient payments? Is he just tracking them and you are tracking everything else.. that's two sets of books..that's a dangerous red flag.
It is NOT nickle and diming a provider because that's what you are supposed to be doing "practice management"
Since you stated you charge on a monthly fee then this of course is moot for you right? Does that mean your flat fee does not include your "TIME"?  Because my flat fee is BASED on my time and out of pocket expenses. Charging a percentage is another means of charging but that doesn't mean you are nickle and diming because you charge for a service that still includes your time to post that and report it.

Here's the reason, in the daily batch of superbills that are sent to us they include their daily payment log so that we can make sure all copays were applied to the patient's visit. Our policy is that any money that we post to a patient's account we get paid on. So far, I've never had a client refuse to accept those terms - they understand the importance of keeping the patient's account accurate and that is part of it.

Bingo..thanks Charity, this actually explains it better than I did :)  I am wondering if maybe those that are NOT charging maybe are not posting and that sounds off an alarm to me to have two sets of books for any doctors office is a VERY bad idea.

BTW.... the topic of the original post topic was review of the contract book..I saw that but I really didn't see the original poster mentioning this as direct criticism, then later on someone else started mentioning the PMBA books.then another one chimes in mentioning THEIR book.

And another thing.. I've been in this industry for over 25 years. The contract book is NOT for a "newbie" in fact I found it to be quite interesting and above the newbie level!, I went back to school for my paralegal specializing in contract law and there's nothing about contract law that could be construed as "newbie" ..newbie language would be if they's a template. go to it. and fill in the blanks.  Also if we are going to talk about THIS book.. the criticism here is about a billing "METHOD" not a contract item. And also I'm sorry but after 25 years in this business.. IT IS THE NORM to be compensated on ALL work you do, in ANY business!  If your not tracking it then fine, your not working it. But again..NOT good idea to have a practice with two sets of books. Ask any accountant, lawyer, tax advisor!
Linda Walker
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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2010, 05:07:27 PM »
First off, let me get this CLARIFICATION done. I HAVE NOT read the contract book, so my replies have nothing to do with the book. I am only replying to a QUESTION that Michelle posed. From what I read, her post has nothing to do with the book, except for something she obviously saw in there and asked our opinion of it. She made no remarks as whether the book was good, bad or ugly. Just because I don't agree with you Linda does not mean that my methods are wrong. As I said to Charity, JMO I don't like it, nor do I agree with it but if it works for what you do. As far as following up on payments, you are NOT on my staff nor do you know what I do. One thing that I do is bill 90% of my clients out of their system. I save MONEY on using their software as opposed to using my own. The providers office post 100% of their copays and I send the statements from their system. What is collected in their office is posted in their office. This keeps me from having to deal with that part, plus posting payments. I don't do client calls regarding payments. The system they use statements are sent through their system electronically!! Misys will also let you know how many statements are sent and the collection status so the provider can determine what to do with it after that. I HATE statements, so therefore I choose methods to avoid them. I have one client (DME) that I bill out of my system (well sorry 2). I do her statements and hate doing them. I have to depend on the provider's office to tell me when they pay so my system can be updated. I also notice that you FLIP FLOP depending on the post whether you are for flat fee or against it, which is your prerogative. I offer % fee billing because that is what providers are used to but ALL my providers prefer flat rate, and I do include my time. Does your time to send a statement, balance out when you charge 7% and obtain .70 cents on a 10.00 copay? Does it cover the stamp, ink, envelope you send out????

We all are entitled to our opinion. So, hummm. let me think. My provider is posting the copays, They can run reports out of their system, what do I bill them for again???????

I agree Michelle did not state anything about the book and YES MY NAME IS CHARLENE and I did post about the PMBA and I did post about MY BOOK, and I did post that the PMBA  does promote their books. You are totally being silly and ridiculous about this entire case as you usually do.

I know I can no longer be a part of this continuous childish mess that goes on in this forum. Alice & Michelle asked for an opinion on their book, and although Michelle never gave out one, her post has created a mess that should not occur amoung adults. First off they should NEVER ask for opinion if they are not able to deal with what people have to say. You Linda, see I can say your name, has an issue with people who disagree with you. I respect the forum, so I choose to no longer deal with chaos, so I respectfully decline to continually post

Be Blessed


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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2010, 05:22:58 PM »
Linda, need to chill out.  Why must you create such drama?  You are utterly RIDICULOUS!  YOU are the reason why I waited so long to join this forum...and YOU are the reason why I will no longer be posting...
Michelle Rimmer, CHI, CPMB
President-Professional Medical Billers Association
Owner-ABA Therapy Billing Services
Author, 'Medical Billing 101' and 'Coding Basics: Understanding Medical Collections

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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2010, 05:22:58 PM »


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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2010, 09:17:07 PM »
Charlene, there was NO question posted by Michelle. The TOPIC was titled "Feedback on the New Contract E-Book" to Which Michele pointed out a billing method she didn't agree with.

I don't flip flop with % based billing. I said in more than one post on the subject this is moot if we are not talking about % based billing. I don't bill on a % and switched a long time ago, but there are still many billing companies using that method and that's what the post was about. Michelle offered her opinion, and I offered mine. I'm sorry but I don't think I have found any provider who wouldn't logically expect to pay for percentage of all revenue's as noted in most contracts. Maybe billing companies starting out can offer such a freebie of time, but it's not the norm.

Michelle, don't tell me to Chill out. Grow up, expecting to post YOUR opinion without expecting some one else to share there's seems a bit naive to me. I'm perfectly "chill" It's very clear you have taken on the role of mother hen.
Linda Walker
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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2010, 03:55:32 PM »
Ladies, I read and re-read this thread to try to figure out where it went sour.  I'm totally lost.  :-\

Please, please don't quit posting!  You all have such valuable insight, even when opinions differ. 

I don't know if the moon was full and everyone was having a Midol moment, but I have no clue where it went bad.  Deep of wine.......Calgon take me away!  Tomorrow is another day!


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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2010, 07:44:52 PM »
Please don't stop posting.  All of you.  I enjoy reading your posts and value your opinions.  There are a lot of us here that value from your input which is the reason this forum was started.  Let's agree to disagree and the wine is on me if you come through Illinois.   ;D


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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #23 on: September 14, 2010, 08:47:28 PM »
Ok, you said the wine was on you.. I wasn't leaving but I will and come back if the offer of the free wine still stands :)
Linda Walker
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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2010, 08:50:01 PM »
Absolutely!  I joined a wine of the month club trying to find the perfect sweet wine.  Let's just say I have a lot of bottle to get through even though I found it.   ;)

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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #24 on: September 14, 2010, 08:50:01 PM »


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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #25 on: September 14, 2010, 08:51:31 PM »
Well count me in.  I'm going to go through the e-book again later tonight and tomorrow I am going to post a thorough review in this thread. 
Linda Walker
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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2010, 08:53:24 AM »
White or red?   :D
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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2010, 09:51:49 AM »
Red of course :)
Linda Walker
Practice Managers Resource & Networking Community
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Alice Scott

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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2010, 09:59:47 AM »
Red for me too.  ::)
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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2010, 10:29:41 AM »
I love wine, but it doesn't like me.. one glass is all I can do or I'm asleep and wake up with a horrible headache! LOL
Linda Walker
Practice Managers Resource & Networking Community
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Re: Feedback on New Contract E-Book
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2010, 10:29:41 AM »