Payments > Insurance Payments

denial from UHC


Hi Michele,

I'm in a small chiro office and I just received a denial for a patient that we received authorization on.  When we sent out the claim it got denied because they said it didn't support the info that we send.  The only thing I can think of is the pt came in with the usual lumbar pain but also presented with a sprained ankle which was shown on the auth paperwork.

Nowhere on our claim did we refer tto this ankle sprain.  Is that why they denied? If so, is there a modifier or some other codes we should have used.?

We billed 847.2, 739.3, 728.85, 724.2 with 99214, 97535, 98941, G0283, 97010.

Thanks, Cathy

You shouldn't have to indicate the ankle since DC's aren't suppose to treat extremities anyway.  It sounds more like they are looking for notes/documentation.  Even though you received authorization, they may request notes.  I would try calling to see what exactly they are looking for.


Thank you Michele for quick response.  Happy Holidays............

Thanks!  :)  I'm enjoying them so far.



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