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Does $500 to do up one contract seem a little high to anyone? I contacted an attorney earlier today about doing my contracts and they replied that they charge $500, but if they would be doing several they would give me a better price.  I don't know how many contracts I am going to need....


--- Quote from: taxlady28781 on November 12, 2010, 05:57:27 PM ---Does $500 to do up one contract seem a little high to anyone? I contacted an attorney earlier today about doing my contracts and they replied that they charge $500, but if they would be doing several they would give me a better price.  I don't know how many contracts I am going to need....

--- End quote ---
There are many contracts out there, with each has its own specifications, firstly do little bit of study that would help you to have better insight, because evidently you can save money and time..

Are you talking about a contract for you to have with your providers?

$500 is pretty reasonable depending on where you live. The going attorney rate can be anywhere from $200-$400 an hour. I paid $1100 for my very first contract, but after that I now keep my attorney on a retainer and so then each contract I do with every client, every question, situation, he's available to me.  Consider this.. how much would it cost you to go to court? Then $500 will sound reasonable.

That is good advice Linda.  I am finishing up my contracts and hope to take them to an attorney soon.  I know that some attorneys offer the first 30minutes free. I think its going to take more than 30 minutes but I will be taking up their offer. 


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