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Not showing a patient credit

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Let me tell you, I felt pretty moronic for asking because I know it is unethical, but honestly I have searched for hours trying to find something in writing.  All I have found is that a policy has to be put in place to handle credits, not necessarily refund them by law.  I also have to add that the adjustment codes used for this purpose have descriptions that indicate the credit is the patient's.  The policy is that if the patient calls to question, then we will refund the money (the same applies to insurance over payments), so does that somehow "protect" them should they be audited?  We do apply patient credits to any open balances on their accounts, but anything left over is adjusted.

I can understand the insurance over payments since they either apply the overage to another claim or keep a running a/r, or send a letter requesting the over payment refund. 

Sounds crazy I know, but where the heck do I find this so I can print it and present it and say 'YOU CAN'T DO THAT!"??   :o

If you need to show your provider in writing that he cannot keep someone else's money, than it might be a client you don't want to work for. Maybe there is nothing in writing again, because simply keeping something that doesn't belong to you is wrong, illegal, unethical and again.. it's stealing. There's no verbiage to explain that.

--- Quote ---All I have found is that a policy has to be put in place to handle credits, not necessarily refund them by law.  I also have to add that the adjustment codes used for this purpose have descriptions that indicate the credit is the patient's.  The policy is that if the patient calls to question, then we will refund the money (the same applies to insurance over payments), so does that somehow "protect" them should they be audited?  We do apply patient credits to any open balances on their accounts, but anything left over is adjusted.
--- End quote ---

I'm pretty sure.. handling means..give them their money back.


    Are you employed by the Dr?  Or are you a service?


Ask your provider this ,  Since you overpaid your malpractice/liability insurance, your agent will be providing lunch for her staff, is that ok?

Last week, I had a doctor make a comment concerning people these days.  IT SO FITS

he said "There is no such thing as common sense anymore"


--- Quote ---Ask your provider this ,  Since you overpaid your malpractice/liability insurance, your agent will be providing lunch for her staff, is that ok?
--- End quote ---

I love it.. LOL

If that was my client.. I'd merely copy some definitions from the dictionary :  STEALING: "Taking or keeping something that does not belong to you!" And if that didn't do it, I'd report it, it's completely illegal


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