NPI Numbers > NPI Numbers

Pharmacist Wants to Sell DME. NPI Information requested.....


Hello all!

I have a pharmacist who recently moved from out of state to practice in Michigan. He wants to sell DME. As far as I can tell he does not have an NPI number (he was a staff pharmacist at a drug store). He is in partnership with the owner of a pain management clinic (They have group and individual NPI’s).

Can you give me best practice advice as to how he should apply for his NPI?

I know his tax ID is associated with his partner.

Does he need an individual NPI associated with an NPI that he gets for the pharmacy?

Thank you in advance for your insight!


For DME supplier he will only need a group NPI associated with the EIN and group name.  If his associate already has a group NPI for that EIN/Group then they would just use that one.

Michelle thanks!

One more question. Since he is a pharmacist, will he need a seperate NPI tied to that group?

Thanks again!

No because it doesn't really matter that he is a pharmacist.  He can get one as a pharmacist, and he may already have one from his previous job.  He can search to see at:


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