Medical Billing Software > Medical Billing Software Questions

Claim Scrubber per claim fees

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Lytec is a server based software.  They claim to be "internet software" as well but I personally have never looked at that option since I don't need it.  I am the only one who needs to access off site and I use logmein

I don't use Lytec, however there's one more important point to add. Lytec is one of the oldest and most well-known PM systems around. They were around a few years even before I started in 95 and rarely do you hear anything negative about them. Their name and reputation are very trusted. i believe they are now owned by (have been for a while) NDC. I could be wrong about that though.   When shopping for software having a name that has been around and associated with trust and many users available sure goes a long way in a tough decision.

You are right, they are owned by NDC.  NDC also owns Medisoft.  But I do not care for Medisoft. 

Just an interesting fact:  When we started and decided to go with Lytec, one of the reasons we chose it over Medisoft was because Medisoft was still DOS at the time.   :o

I don't like Medisoft at all myself.. I used the Old DOS version.. wow what a nightmare in conversion.. but I was just starting and it was only $99 in Medical Arts Catalog ..  yes.. I DID not know better.    If I had it to do all over again and I didn't have the money to get a good PM system.. I WOULD wait OR I would incorporate some of the fees into my fee schedules.   Data conversions are a NIGHTMARE.. I've done 4 of them.. and no.. 3rd time was NOT a charm, it was the worst one yet.


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