NPI Numbers > NPI Numbers

NPI claims and deactivation


So  I am a therapists doing home health which does not require NPI number so far. I worked at a physical therapy clinic 2 years ago for about 2 months and then left to pursue home health full time. anyway, I just found out that the clinic still using my NPI, name and license to file claims with Medicare and private insurance. my questions are: Is ther a way to find the claims filed under my NPI for the past 2 year? can I deactivate my NPI? can I obtain a new NPI?

You should be getting 1099's for services performed under your Tax ID which is tied to your NPI.  You may want to go to the NPI registry site and see what Tax ID is tied to your NPI.  Where is the money for services going?  If your NPI is an individual number it should be going to you or they've changed something.  If it was a corporate number you can get an individual number. 

This is something you need to get on top of.  Fraud is being committed somewhere.

thank you for your response. I didn't receive any 1099 forms. I believe they file under the group NPI and my NPI and they have automatic payment set up with Medicare so the money goes to their account directly. I couldn't figure a way to see what is being filed under my NPI and I found it is hard to find out anything over the phone.

You don't want to deactivate your NPI, what you need to do is remove yourself from being connected to their group PTAN & NPI with MCR.  You do that with a CMS 855R form which is available online at   

You do not need to deactivate your individual NPI because that is only under your ss#.  If you have a tax ID or EIN that would be linked thru the group NPI which doesn't belong to you.  If you are aware they are doing it with other insurances in addition to Medicare you may want to contact those insurance carriers to notify them you are no longer working there.

Like DMK said, you will want to get on top of this!

Remember to change your password and your information on the NPI Registry.


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