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I have worked for 4 Chiropractors over 8 years and 3 of them were cheaters and liars. One wouldn't allow me to accept copays from his family members and friends, the other wanted me to bill for patients he saw "over the weekend at his home", and the third one scheduled patients to come in 2 or 3 times a week for months at a time.  I didn't do what they wanted (fraud) so obviously the jobs didn't last long.  I would proceed with caution...

I'm sort of holding back my opinion on this one because I could be biased since I don't believe in most chiropractic services to begin with. I did all mental health myself for a while, but it doesn't cut it when it comes to the money.. I added pediatrics and it was a great balance :)  I avoid chiropractors like the plague! If you notice I never even answer billing or coding questions about chiropractic. LOL

It's really sad how the bad apples are ruining public opinion about Chiros.  There are good ones out there, but they're few and far between.  Look for the "mechanics" who work with other doctors.  There are things in the human body that get misplaced and need to be put back.  NOBODY needs 3 times a week for the rest of their lives.  A good chiropractor doesn't "cure" cancer or diabetes and will work with your family doctor and be on good terms with the orthopedists and physical therapists.

Chiropractic is a great adjunct to healthcare, but it's not the only thing you should do for yourself.

well, I guess the way I will approach this is that she has requested an appt to meet with me, so I'll go to the meeting and see what I think of her and the practice.  I am always up front, so I will state that and see where it goes from there.  I think I will go with my gutt on this one......If I don't think it's a good legitimate up front practice then I will walk away.  If she is truly a good representative of the field and is truly in need of billing help I would hate to pass it up.


--- Quote ---well, I guess the way I will approach this is that she has requested an appt to meet with me, so I'll go to the meeting and see what I think of her and the practice.  I am always up front, so I will state that and see where it goes from there.  I think I will go with my gutt on this one......If I don't think it's a good legitimate up front practice then I will walk away.  If she is truly a good representative of the field and is truly in need of billing help I would hate to pass it up.

--- End quote ---

I think that's great way to approach this. I get a lot of doctors who tell me that they have talked to other billers who wouldn't take them because the provider didn't want to switch PM softwares, so you never know when a good opportunity will land in your lap. I also use my gut, it never fails me :)


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