Author Topic: Medical Business Marketing  (Read 2726 times)


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Medical Business Marketing
« on: July 03, 2012, 01:57:26 PM »
Hello All Experts,

I have found this forum to be very helpful. thank you for sharing your experiences.

I am just starting my own business and I have few questions related to marketing.

1) I read on many previous posts that internet marketing is important. Any tips on how you go about that? How do you find providers email addresses? I have posted my business information on Google business, craigslist. Are there any other avenues?

2) I also read that if you are starting new - you can offer free practice analysis or superbill review to attract clients. Can someone please explain what practice analysis is - in addition to showing the difference between cost of in-house vs. outsourced billing?

Thank you


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Re: Medical Business Marketing
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2012, 11:40:34 AM »

1) I read on many previous posts that internet marketing is important. Any tips on how you go about that? How do you find providers email addresses? I have posted my business information on Google business, craigslist. Are there any other avenues?

I personally don't do the email marketing what so ever, I don't find it effective, most people view spam as intrusive and annoying, I know I do, so I don't do it because it doesn't work.  By internet marketing it's mostly meant to have a professionally designed website, making sure that website is seen among the majority of the top search engines. Another idea in regards to internet marketing are newsletter services as well as social networking and blogging sites. All of those things combined help boost the rankings for your website. The main thing to remember is to try and have a well designed website, avoid the free hosting sites with website templates that are obvious when seen. Your website, in many instances will be your first impression.

2) I also read that if you are starting new - you can offer free practice analysis or superbill review to attract clients. Can someone please explain what practice analysis is - in addition to showing the difference between cost of in-house vs. outsourced billing?

A full practice analysis is an evaluation of  the practice as it is now with comparison of a plan on how to improve. Such things as review of payors, montly charges, patient volume, expenses, net collections, etc are all areas reviewed along with opportunity to improve those areas. There is also other areas reviewed such as the billing/collection of patients, scheduling, demographics and practices in place for verifications.  Since I also do consulting, I will often also review operational things such as the office policies and procedures, as well as staffing so a practice can see if they are utilizing staffing to their fullest OR if they need to expand. If selling billing, it can be a side by side comparison of outsourcing vs. in-house.  Other things can be included such as compliance procedure reviews and analysis of technology such as their PM system, EMR, etc.   A LOT goes into a full practice analysis, frankly I don't give them away anymore unless it's just a simple side-by-side analysis of the billing/collection to sell full billing as outsourced. It depends on why a provider has contacted me in the first place, or if I'm marketing for billing I will offer a simple practice analysis in some cases. A lot of times you can market this simply, but when the practice contacts you and wants to receive it, you have to provide all the necessary confidentiality agreements such as the BA Agreement since you will still be dealing with PHI.  Just make sure you have all your ducks in a row before offering this. Very important. I've seen billing companies offer it up only to not know what it is or how to do one.


Linda Walker
Practice Managers Resource & Networking Community
One Stop Resources, Education and Networking for Medical Billers


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Re: Medical Business Marketing
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2012, 03:51:14 PM »
Thank you

Medical Billing Forum

Re: Medical Business Marketing
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2012, 03:51:14 PM »