Medical Billing Software > Medical Billing Software Questions

Is cloud-based/internet-based my only option???

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according to a Liles Parker (law firm that specializes in healthcare) webinar I attended, web based anything has so many breach risks.... :o  they recommend in house EVERYTHING..but that is just not realistic in today's world....


--- Quote ---according to a Liles Parker (law firm that specializes in healthcare) webinar I attended, web based anything has so many breach risks.... :o  they recommend in house EVERYTHING..but that is just not realistic in today's world....
--- End quote ---

It's not realistic at all, especially with mandatory EMR coming..There are pro's and con's to each type of system. A good compliance plan along with policies and GOOD insurance can help minimize those risks along with other things such as making sure we are not using offshore medical billing companies. Many of us US based companies are being solicited by offshore companies, and their promises of cutting your overhead can be somewhat tempting.  Interesting enough when claims are transmitted via even an in-house / hosted and stand alone PM system the same level of encryption is used which is the maximum encryption level anyway. So while we may think we are safer using a standalone program, the risks can actually be the same in transmission of those claims/phi.

re: offshore billing-  Liles Parker states that the wait time in India to go to trial for a HIPAA type breach is 40 years!!! :o


--- Quote ---re: offshore billing-  Liles Parker states that the wait time in India to go to trial for a HIPAA type breach is 40 years!!! :o
--- End quote ---

Which is interesting from a perspective of who they are an official counsel of. They represent a billing associate that seems to have NO problem certifying and advertising offshore companies.  Also why wait list? US laws are NOT enforceable offshore.. 40 years for them to tell you that maybe?

interesting and LOL Linda!!!! ;D


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