General Category > General Questions

Signature of Physician


Can just anyone prepare a claim for a Dr. or do they have to have some sort of contract in place in order to do so?
There is a billing company that has been preparing claims for some of our clients (we do not prepare claims as we do not accept insurance; we are private pay and patient knows this and has paid in full). the families hire this company out to help them with appeals, claims, reimbursement from insurance ect. for several claim, appeal issues they may be having. We are not contracted with them and are not affiliated with them in any shape or form.
Is that company ok to prepare claims and "sign" our Dr. signature in box 31 without us even knowing???
The only reason I found out is because we received the EOB and it had a copy of the claim attached and seen that they had physically signed our Dr name on the claim.

Patient/outside company only has a right to submit claims on behalf of patient, their relationship is between them. Absolutely they should NOT be signing the physicians name.


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