Author Topic: Newbie starting out who wants to focus on Mental Health billing.  (Read 3636 times)


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Newbie starting out who wants to focus on Mental Health billing.
« on: November 21, 2013, 11:07:44 AM »
Hi all,
I've been pouring over all the posts here and getting some really good info on so many topics. I wanted to share my specifics in the hopes of being pointed in the correct direction (hoping I haven't made wrong turns so far).
A little history on me...
I was an office manager 10 years ago for a prominent child Psychiatrist. I knew nothing about his field but I learned quickly and I helped him build a large, multifaceted, practice with psychologists, therapists, etc. and loved the work tremendously. In the mean time, I got an education in mental health practices. We were fee for service, so I never handled any insurance billing. In 2009 (after leaving the practice), I took a medical billing course through AMBA, but circumstances in my life put it all on hold and I had to stop.
Fast forward, and I have a client, a psychologist, who I do bookkeeping and organization services for. He has been begging me to do his insurance billing, not happy with his current biller. Since it was in the works years ago, I figured that it was meant to be and dove in. I formed a corporation and starting doing the research. With very little start-up capital, I've been doing what I can on my own.
I decided to focus on Mental Health because I believe that our economy has forced these clinicians to take insurance in order to keep their practices open. I want to provide a service to them, that they either cannot or will not do on their own. In addition, I know the field, know the codes and feel comfortable with this field.
Because mental health benefits pay so little, I decided to charge a flat fee per claim (instead of a percentage and add on fees) to include eligibility/verification, electronic claims filing, payments posting and monthly reports. One stop shopping per se, so they don't feel nickel and dimed. I found, researched and have been using Office Ally, keeping my overhead at a minimum, and so far so good with them. Their training is good, support is good, claims are being paid, ERA set up is easy, etc.
My dilemma is marketing...I want to get my name out to small, solo practices preferably in the area (South Florida) so I may offer personalized service, if needed for organizing, bookkeeping, etc.
Because of my very tight budget, I need help with how to accomplish my goal of good marketing without wasting what little money I have. I see references to "digital marketing" but not sure what that means.
Any help here would be appreciated...I know it's a niche market that has a need for my services, and I can offer so many services in addition to just claims billing. Hence, the local market, but I'm not opposed to offering billing everywhere.
Thank you for reading this whole post, and in advance, I thank you for your time and suggestions!


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Re: Newbie starting out who wants to focus on Mental Health billing.
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2013, 12:41:43 PM »
Sigh...I was hoping to get a little feedback from someone...good or bad, but it's ok. I'm diving in, reading all I can about everything, soaking it all in, trying to make sure I make the right turns in the road towards success.
I'll keep my original question simple...does anyone see a reason NOT to focus on Mental Health Billing exclusively? Since I am solo, I'd like to perfect one area in this field and be the best I can be with a field I'm familiar with. Am I wrong here in believing this can be profitable in and of itself, or should I widen my focus to other areas?
Back to the "books"... ;)


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Re: Newbie starting out who wants to focus on Mental Health billing.
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2013, 02:17:43 PM »
Sorry no one got back to you specifically!  I think most of us would agree that you can focus on one area (and there are a lot of mental health providers you can work with) and be the best you can possibly be.  If you find that's not enough work to keep you busy, branch out!  I only do one type of billing, and it keeps me busy enough.  I don't think enough can be said about be an expert in your field. 

Mental health billing is complicated, but the new ACA plans are mandated to included mental health services.  That means MORE people will be finally seeking help, since it will be covered.  Therefore, there will be more business for providers and more billing for you, since the providers will be too busy providing to be doing their own paperwork!

Good luck to you!


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Re: Newbie starting out who wants to focus on Mental Health billing.
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2013, 06:58:16 PM »
I think it's great you have a niche, and it will serve you eventually but you do need to go into this with your eyes wide open. This is a HARD business to market.. experience aside and all. By LIMITING your market starting out you take even a bigger risk. I always tell those starting this business NOT to limit their market off the bat.. wait and let their market find them.
Linda Walker
Practice Managers Resource & Networking Community
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Re: Newbie starting out who wants to focus on Mental Health billing.
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2013, 11:12:34 AM »
Thanks for the feedback. If eyes weren't opened before, they sure are now after pouring through posts and reading and reading and reading so much on the website!
Linda, the amount of info you provide is truly priceless, but I still have so many unanswered questions as I head in the right direction.
Even though "our" services can span the country, I want to focus on local practitioners to be able to provide one on one service that I find so lacking these days. With my experience with computers, organization, bookkeeping, etc., I'm hoping to set myself apart from just billing for my clients. I understand that word of mouth is so important and I believe that that will help me eventually.
I want/need to learn and know as much as I can before promoting myself as an expert (I'm not by any stretch) but do have experience in the mental health field from a back-office perspective.
I'm thinking my next step is mentoring so I can get the help to show me where to focus my attention. So much to learn, so much to do, and don't want to make costly mistakes with both time and money.
Forward I go with determination to meet my goals!

Medical Billing Forum

Re: Newbie starting out who wants to focus on Mental Health billing.
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2013, 11:12:34 AM »