Payments > Patient Billing

Does Patients use Patient Portal?

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--- Quote ---I'll guarantee it's because they don't know that it's an option!  Most of them don't even understand the intention of the portal or EHR in general.
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Sad thing is that according to my attorney .. NOT knowing that is going to land a lot of practices in court.

from a different perspective. Perhaps it is because I am older..My info has been out there for years. I love the EPIC system and getting all of my info immediately. I get my labs before the dr sees them and now this is a new law that all patients can do this. I no longer have to get copies of things when I go to another physician as most have access to the system. And if they don't, I can copy the info without going to someone and asking and waiting for them to send it to me..and charging me.
Just thought I would throw that out from another side.

And I really appreciate hearing the positives!  Some of the things the portals are supposed to do are great.  Unfortunately there are so many things that can go wrong, and so many people (particularly older patients who could get the most benefit, but won't) are just not tech savvy.


--- Quote ---from a different perspective. Perhaps it is because I am older..My info has been out there for years.
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here's the problem...that is the problem.. too many patients think they have to adhere to this.. patients have lost control over their information because physicians have falsely misled them.    YES I said falsely because I believe physicians and/or their billers/office managers need know the laws!! patient's have a right NOT to have their info out there.

I've said it before, I'll say it again... delay the EMR.. it's going to be delayed.. the govt is not in any position to guarantee the safety and security of American's and their health records. Let's not make it easy for them.. go look at the number of times the website was hacked.. look at CIA, FBI and CMS website hacks..    do you really want your info out there? do you really want to tell patients they have no choice?


--- Quote from: DMK on February 12, 2014, 02:39:36 PM ---This is probably opening an unintended can of worms but.....(and it IS the buts that get us in trouble)

While I understand the concept of a patient portal, the ONLY thing I think they should be for IS intake forms and general information.  MAYBE for negative test results.  I just see so many security risks in the concept that I don't like the concept.  But I'm old fashioned that way.

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You made some good points.  I should have been more clear.  I like the ability of printing out the sheets to be able to complete them prior to the appt.  Not actually filling them out online.  When I was thinking patient portal I wasn't thinking EHR (Duh!).  I have mixed feelings about the EHR.  I agree with Linda about the protection aspect.  They can't guarantee PHI will be protected.  I actually wrote an article about the problems of identity theft in relation to EHR and it's scary.

--- Quote from: DMK on February 12, 2014, 02:39:36 PM ---I actually polled several of our young, tech savvy patients about patient portals and physician web sites.  My main question was "Would you CHOOSE your physician (Chiro, Gyno, Surgeon,Dentis etc) based solely on their web site?"  The answer was a resounding NO.  It was still most important to ask their friends and family who they liked and were happy with.

They did read the testimonials (but understood that web site builders often "create" testimonials), and they liked the photos of the facility and the doctor and staff, and the overall "mission statement" (I hate that term), but ultimately it's the word of mouth that was more important.

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I would never choose a provider based on a website. 


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