Billing > Billing

Medicare POS?

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A nutritionist travels to an assisted living and sees a patient with a service that is completely payable in the office (POS 11.)

The assisted living DOES NOT have an NPI #.

What POS should be billed for Medicare? Home or assisted living?

Yes, it's an assisted living, but with no NPI, what would go in box 32A?


Doesn't the nutritionist have to have an NPI to bill at all?

We have a Physician's Assistant who does work at patients homes.  We place the PA's NPI number in 24J and the patient's home address in Box 32 - since that was where the service was delivered.  There is no NPI Number assigned to the patien'ts home address, so we put nothing there.  We get paid from Medicare just fine.

An assisted living facility is the patient's home when you include the patient's room number in the address block (although you need to use the POS for assisted living).  I think you don't need an NPI Number for this.

yes, the nutritionist has an NPI and is registered with Medicare at her office address....

very interesting, Richard. Thank you!!!

I have another question: for Medicare, home visits need to be recommended by the PCP, correct? Is this some formal process with Medicare, or is a written request from the PCP to the specialist ok?

thanks again!


--- Quote ---yes, the nutritionist has an NPI and is registered with Medicare at her office address....

--- End quote ---

Ok, so wouldn't you use POS 13 and her NPI?


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