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Blue Card address for Cailf

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--- Quote from: RichardP on May 06, 2015, 12:15:53 AM ---
Just out of curiousity - how do you do the work?  Do you dial into the New Jersey computers?  Or do you use your own software?
I do a few different ways. I remote in to there system, have my own and a few our web based.

How do you get the work?  FedEx?  UPS?
A few send UPS and the other I print the EOB's off line.

Some details on how you conduct business is going to spark the imagination of someone passing by here months from now.
I pretty much do what works for each office. With the time different the office's like that when it's late there and they are working I'm still in my office so they can always get a old of me during there office hours. It's part of my marketing tool.

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