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copying charges

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--- Quote --- and through an attorney has requested medical records with all the appropriate paperwork
--- End quote ---

Not sure what problem is....................... why wouldn't you supply? Personally.. I don't squabble with attorney's asking for's your choice to do so but it's NOT in best interest of practice to do so.

I don't think the original poster is looking to avoid sending the records in, I think they want to know how much to charge for copying the records, because the records are kept in two different states.

My answer would be to charge each state's copying fees for the records from those states. So state A records get charged at state A's prices, and state B at state B's prices.

I like your logic, Kristin. And yes I was asking what to charge for the copying service.


--- Quote ---A billing service and keeper of medical records resides in State A. The medical office and place of treatment is located in State B. A patient receives services in the medical office  and through an attorney has requested medical records with all the appropriate paperwork. Should the billing service apply copying charges that are within the statutes of State A or State B?
--- End quote ---

State B where patient receives services is the place you want to honor record copy requests/charges.


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